Drip Marketing to Your Social Media Sites

You spend a lot of time and energy writing blog posts for your company. You share them on social media right after you post them,  but how many people actually see them? We have a solution for that! JaxWorks can now repurpose your blog posts, add images and new titles, and create a drip marketing campaign to Twitter, LinkedIn, and eventually Facebook.

Drip marketing to your social media sites is a great way to get your information out to potential clients over and over so that everyone in your network eventually sees it.  JaxWorks will continue this drip social media marketing campaign for up to a year, and by that time, a lot of your potential clients have seen your information.

First of all, why blog?

Blogging is a great way to position yourself as an expert in what you do and to answer peoples’ questions about your field of expertise. Once these answers are on your blog, they are there forever for potential clients to find when they’re searching the Internet with their question. You can also send people you speak with to your blog when they ask questions about a specific problem that you have solved for them on your blog. Like we said before, once you have put all that work into answering questions and creating content for your website, you don’t want anyone to miss it. You want to make sure you get it out as many times as possible to as many people as possible. That’s where we come in!

If having someone write your blog posts and/or drip marketing your posts to your social media sites sounds like something in which you are interested, please give us a call at 832-889-9242, or email us at information@jax-works.com so we can discuss marketing your business to as many people as possible.